Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Press Freedom

Freedom of press has always been an issue worldwide. It is usually an issue in 3rd world countries or countries with oppressive governments, military. Some of these countries are Russia, China, Cambodia, South Africa, and most recently Mexico. Recently the main newspaper is Cuildad Juarez has written an editorial to the drug Cartels asking them what they want, what they want them to publish or not publish to keep their journalists safe.
Most of the time freedom of press is limited by the government. In Mexico it is the drug cartels. Various newspapers have called it “narco-censorship”. Since the drug war “officially” started in 2006 over 30 journalists have been killed with many cases going unsolved and bodies never being recovered, making it one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists. Many stories about the cartels, murders and mass graves go unreported out of fear for journalist’s lives. The real issues are not being reported to the countries people and the rest of the world.
On September 22, 2010, President Felipe Calderon, realizing the grave issues going on in his country, vowed to push for legislation to make attacks on journalists, free expression, and reporters a federal crime. “We categorically reject any attack against journalists because this is an assault against democratic society," Calderon said. "It pains me that Mexico is seen as one of the most dangerous places for the profession."

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